Location Ideas for Your Engagement Session/ Bay Area Photographer
Struggling to find a spot for your engagement session? I’m here to help!
Take a few minutes to think about a spot that represents you as a couple. Here are a few ideas to get your wheels spinning.
Do you both love spending time together at a coffee shop? Take photos sipping a latte and getting cozy together at your favorite local joint.
Do you spend weekends on the beach? Take photos jumping in the waves and walking along the surf.
Did you meet each other or attend the same college? Take photos at your favorite spots around campus or even the exact spot you met.
Do you both love exploring nature/hiking/camping, etc? Take photos at a place you think is beautiful or a place you frequent together.
Do you enjoy visiting wineries and wine tasting? Take photos sipping your favorite glass of wine at a vineyard.
Here are a few images taken at this couples’ favorite outdoor spot. They love being in nature and wanted a spot that represents their adventurous life.